Nigeria Institute of science and technology

"the building block of any nation depends on its relationship with nature through scientific and political approach." chicodgreat.
Invent and innovate

Wednesday 26 August 2015


Members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) on Sunday took to the streets of Asaba, the Delta State capital, demanding for the actualisation of Biafra. Distributing fliers to motorists and passers-by, the protesters who numbered in thousands, who were chanting Biafran freedom songs, said they were out to sensitise Asaba populace on the need to join forces to realise the objective. The fliers contains the website addresses of the leaders of the group, their hot lines and invites sympathisers to fellowship with the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB), Asaba Zone at Oneh Primary School, in the capital city. The protesters, numbering over 200, caused traffic jam along the popular Nnebisi Road and disrupted commercial activities as bystanders were deeply carried away by the uniformity with which they occupied the double lanes of the road and their pavements. The police were seen controlling the traffic and moving with the protesters, to forestall any unforeseen disorder and also to make the protest a peaceful. Tuning into Radio Biafra days after, the 'Director' Nnamdi Kanu was heard confirming that his group carried out the sensitization, in order to educate the indigenous people about the coming for restoration of Biafra, he also said similar protests have happened in parts of Akwa Ibom and Ogoja in Cross River state in recent works. In recent months, Radio Biafra which we can authoritatively confirm that is owned by Indigeous People of Biafra (IPOB) at home and in diaspora, have been a source of controversy, with Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation issuing press statement, that the 'illegal' station has been jammed, the engineer arrested and the signal taken off air.  However, days after, the anchor and Director of the radio station called NBC "liars" and said none of their engineers was arrested. It is also worthy to note that while people believed that the station has been taken off air, they have instead created a relay station in Yenegoa, Bayelsa state. In addition Biafra Television has been launched while the 'Director' could be heard telling his listeners to download their brand new mobile apps. Our inquiry indicated that Radio Biafra was never off air for a day, and it is a failure in part of NBC to issue a statement without succeeding in jamming the same station. The restoration of Sovereign State of Biafra has taken an upward trend since last year, and from what is obtained in the former Eastern part of Nigeria and Delta state, more people are joining the struggle, and the issue of Biafra is like a daily discussion for everybody from all walks of life. The agitation has been peaceful so far, and it remains to be known how the Federal Government will handle such a delicate issue, because for one, the agitation does not look like it will die down now or anytime soon, you only need to listen to Radio Biafra and you will realize that the agitation and desire to have Biafra restored has been embraced by million of people both at home and in the diaspora.

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