Nigeria Institute of science and technology

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Invent and innovate

Sunday 19 October 2014


As we all know that the word christianwas first mentioned in Athens and patterns to Christendom.It is used to refer to people of Christianity religion and is said to mean Christ like. The christian's believe in a God which they call 'YAHWEH','JEHOVAH' and also in his son JESUS CHRIST which they direct their supplications to.They also belive that the HOLY SPIRIT is the messenger of their God and shouldn't be sinned against because it can never be forgiven. They have their sacred book to be BIBLE.The Bible contains every information which all True christian should abide on and more especially the TEN COMMANDMENT found in the bible. They set-out days to convey together in any place refered as CHURCH to praise and adore their worthy God.Many Christians have different belives on the moods of serving their they have never seen but believed to be in HEAVEN.

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